The online aromatherapy course curriculum for Aroma 911 is divided into three fun modules. Glynnis teaches each module in a bite-sized lesson that will give you a strong foundation in the science and artistry behind aromatherapy and essential oils.
Aroma 911 – Curriculum
Online Aromatherapy Course Curriculum Module 1
Lesson 1
You Got This! Aroma Emergency Preparedness
PRACTICAL SAFETY OF ESSENTIAL OILS – Learn the ins-and-outs of best practices when using essential oils. This will offer an understanding and bring a sense of confidence when working with aromatherapy for your self and others.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- Safety protocols of ingesting essential oils.
- Pregnancy safety and essential oils.
- Dilution and general safety of essental oils.
- The GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list
Lesson 1, Part 2
No Taboo Aroma-Chemistry 101
Through even a basic understanding of the chemistry you can broaden the practical applications with a more accurate and informed outcome.
The science-minded and artists alike will love this important section of evidence-based aromatherapy. On understanding Chemistry 101 for Aroma 911 you will know better what to reach for in most any situation and also have a more deeply informed aroma plan for preventive self-care. An aromatic journey of art and chemistry.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- The Ten Primary Chemical Families
- Benefits, blending synergies, and effects according to the aromatic molecules.

Lesson 2
Meet your Aroma-Pharmacy
Therapeutic benefit Profiles of 38 Essential Oils and their primary uses in first aid emergencies and self-care practices.
Now that you have a foundation for safety with essential oils and the science behind this healing art, we’re going to meet 38 unique essential oils for the specific use of emergency and preventive self-care. This is like meeting your soul-mates where you get to recognize an affinity with every one of these personalities.
This comprehensive virtual aroma-pharmacy is your go-to ‘aroma-bible’ for referencing essential oils when using, mixing, preparing, blending, and applying various aromatherapy products and practices for first aid, ‘emergency’ events and daily ongoing self-care routines.
Online Aromatherapy Course Curriculum Module 2
Lesson 1
First Aid and Emergency Readiness with Aroma-911 Remedies and Practices.
This module is all about gecng prepared and being ready for anything when it comes to your health and unexpected emergency events. This aroma 911 kit that you will create is like the Olympics of aromatherapy preparedness.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- Be Prepared – Your Aroma Lab
- Plan, Prepare, Practice – Getting ready to make your First Aid Aroma-Kit.
- Blending guidelines and dilutions.
- Carrier Oils for your Aroma-Pharmacy
- Emergency Prevention + Seasonal Practices – Ayurveda and aromatherapy
- Synergistic Diffuser Blends
- Additional emergency preparedness blends and aroma product-making.
- Beyond the Recipes!

Lesson 2
Must-Have Aroma Survival Tools and practices for first aid emergencies.
In this lesson we delve into making specific ready-to-go remedies and recipes for specific ailments to build your home pharmacy, with easy step-by-step instructions on treating common and unexpected emergencies with aromatherapy and applicable massage protocols.
The intelligence of the body aligned with the wisdom of aromatic plant medicine truly is a gift and a blessing especially when we know how to use them when needed.
The remedies and practices in the four categories are organized as OUCH. GASP. HELP. AND UGH.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- Basics regarding Acute and Chronic Injuries
- OUCH – Pain. Cramps/spasms/strains. Bruises. Burns. Abrasions. Blisters. Boils.
Abscess. Bites. Bleeding. Sunburn. Surgery. - GASP – Cough. Cold. Shortness of breath. Panic attacks and Hyperventilating.
- HELP – Infection. Anxiety. Depression. Insomnia. Exhaustion. Stress
- UGH – Indigestion. Heartburn. Haemorrhoids. Hangover.

Online Aromatherapy Course Curriculum Module 3
Lesson 1
Aroma 911 self-care practices for all the seasons of your life.
In Module 3 we focus on AVOIDING a 911 wellness crisis through daily consistent self-care using the practices of aromatherapy and Ayurveda. This is a gift to your future self but mostly it is a thriving lifestyle choice of wellbeing for all the seasons of your life.
Gain a deeper understanding and commitment to the truth that through daily self-care you are taking care of yourself and preventing ‘lifestyle emergencies’ down the road.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- A daily Aroma 911 self-care practice to address body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
Boosting Immunity and building Ojas (life essence) - Preventive self-care routines
- Making easy-access aroma self-care products for daily/weekly use.
- Making oil infusions, balms, scrubs, masks, massage oils.
Lesson 2
Meditations on Aroma-Wellness
Final lesson we embark on a journey of breath, the sacred vehicle of the plant essences.
This aromatherapy class includes:
- Aromatic Breathing Therapy practice
- Meditation anointing oil recipes and practices.
- Aroma-visualization/meditation audio for awakening your innate healing power.
- Aroma-visualization/meditation video for radiating healing light and energy from your heart centre to the entire Universe.
Curriculum Downloads + Course Bonuses
Your online aromatherapy course curriculum downloads include Recipes, Worksheets, Journal, Checklists, Resources, Therapeutic Profile of 38 Essential oils Digital Booklet.
Your course bonuses include:
- A BONUS meditation video
- A BONUS meditation audio
These will guide you in meditations for healing, balancing, restoring vitality, radiating health, and connecting to the sacred.
- Plus an Aroma 911 Members-only Facebook Community.
- Go-at-your-own-pace
- Approx. 25-40 hours depending on practical applications of recipes etc.
Begin your journey.
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