New avenues in medical science have brought fascia into the awareness of the mainstream sports world, uncovering the potential of working with fascia in healing and rebalancing in the body.
“We’re just scratching the surface in the many applications of understanding fascia. It’s exciting to see just how important this tissue is. Fascia interconnects every single cell. When we work with fascia we access something we’ve known for a long time: The body is not a set of separate machine parts. It’s holistic.”
Lisa’s favourite part of Myofascial release is its ability to rejuvenate the whole body even with just 15 minutes of care.
What is Fascia and What Does Myofascial Release do?
What is Fascia?
Fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs.
What does Myofascial Release help with?
Myofascial release can increase range of motion, reduce pain and recovery time. As fascia is rich with nerves, clearing up these tissues can create a direct pathway for nerve signals to flow to the brain, aiding body awareness (proprioception), coordination, and our ability to control our movements.
Curious about working with Fascia?
Here are three small things you can do to improve your fascial health.
Mindful Movement – Lisa suggests having a mindful approach to accessing fascia which you can incorporate into your existing movement practice. By setting an intention of wanting to engage with the fascia you can experience an embodied sense of wholeness, connection and interconnectivity.
Multi Directional Movement Practice – Incorporating movements that embody a sense of fluidity, elasticity and softness is key for fascial health. Avoid movements that work in the same arc or angle of motion. Look for activities like tai chi or dance where you are moving your limbs in many directions.
Hydration – New science has discovered another state of water; as well as being liquid, solid and gas, there is also a gel state of water which has a different chemical formula. The newest research indicates this gel water is contained in the fascia, and that fascia might be more involved in the hydration of the body than we previously thought. Lisa recommends drinking beverages that contain or convert easily into gel water.
Lisa approaches working with fascia and the body in a gentle, poetic and metaphorical manner, a somewhat unique perspective. “When people think about self care and fascia they immediately think of painfully rolling out your IT band on a hard black foam roller. In my work it’s about coming into contact with the body in a gentle and kind way. Allowing the body to guide us. It’s not about going into pain, it’s about finding a way to nourish your body and yourself.”
Curious about working with fascia?
Join Lisa for a weekend course in Myofascial Release and Movement August 23-25, 2019.