Cassidy was a dancer from a very young age and often found herself seeing the massage therapist at her grandpas clinic to help heal her dancing injuries, an experience which swayed her decision to go into massage herself.
“The summer before 12th grade I was having a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do with my life,” Cassidy said. “Knowing that I wanted to do something that didn’t have me sitting all day, I asked my mom for advice. She mentioned that I should look into becoming a registered massage therapist (RMT).”
After a year in an RMT program, a change in circumstances led Cassidy to look at some other options so she could continue her studies in the field. She felt the 700 Hour Spa Therapy Program a was the best option for her.
“That evening I looked up the school and saw amazing testimonies from past students and instructors. I immediately filled out an application and called the school to make an appointment for an interview and tour,” Cassidy said.
Cassidy started the full time Spa Therapy Program in September 2016 and recently graduated in January 2017.
“The classes here are small and intimate,” Cassidy said. “In the full time program you get to know your peers very well. You have more time with the instructors and you can make some really good friends.”
Cassidy has plans to start working right away and has been exploring the option of finding a space to build her own private practice. “We will see where this takes me in the next few months,” she said.
Cassidy’s favourite part of massage is “the multiple ways that you can help the human body heal. The different ways that a practitioner can help someone just through touch are amazing. I think that having a person put their trust in you to help them when they are extremely vulnerable is a pretty big responsibility.”